Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 9

Well today went pretty well.  :)  I took my Radiation Level 2 exam, which is one of the hardest exams in Schlumberger.  4 manuals full of information, countless post-its later, I passed!!  Granted, I got a 79% the first time, where an 81% is passing, but the 2nd try got me an 83%!  I'm so stoked about how it turned out, it's such a headache if you don't pass it on your first opportunity.  Well considering the fact that my brain was fried after that, what did I get to do this afternoon?  That's right, sit in the sun watching radiation procedures.  Sigh.  Okay, not the most interesting of days, but certainly not the worst.  I'm going to take a nap now, and then get and study some more.  It's pretty much my life these days, but I might try to sneak a movie in there somewhere.  Love you all!  MK

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