Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2

Happy Election Day to all my American friends!  What a day.  Another day of practicals, I was in coveralls all day.  :)  Thank heavens I brought my own boots.  Everybody has been complaining about how much their feet hurt, while mine feel just great.  I've been learning to assemble tools, and how they work from their power supply.  I wish I had paid more attention to my electrical classes.  :(  No one in my class is an electrical engineer, so we're all in the same boat.  I'm still having some trouble staying completely awake in class.  That whole Circadian rhythm thing is a killer.  I have started eating less breakfast and lunch, but honestly, who can turn down warm dessert?  Well, me apparently.  Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through my friends.  We were on the well pad till 7:30 PM, so it's been a long day.  I've spent 3 hours studying for my 2 quizzes, but I'll be getting up early to do some more.  Gotta love this working for a living.  :) 
Did I mention that my whole room comes from IKEA?  I really thought one of the other kids was joking, but I've looked around, and by golly they were right!  A whole hotel from the IKEA catalog.  I hope they got a discount.

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